Bite My Ass, Kick Her Ass, Kick Your Ass: Volume 7
In this feature for my fairly featureless blog, based on current events, I will regularly announce who can Kiss My Ass, who can Kick My Ass and who I should Kick Your Ass. For this Volume, I have modified the protocol to Bite My Ass, Kick Her Ass, Kick Your Ass.
Bite My Ass - Gators. This is obvious. Gators... Gators... how'd you like to bite my ass? Gators... Gators... how'd you like to bite my ass?
Kick Her Ass- Hunker Down Beer Challenge & ugakerri. It appears that ugakerri was the latest victim of The Hunker Down Beer Challenge last Saturday as she started it with the Auburn-LSU game and continued for UGA-Kentucky and then this happened - NYC walk of shame.
Kick Your Ass - Joy Behar. What an insufferable bitch. She seems keen on challenging Sharron Angle to a catfight, but my money says that she would get her ugly ass kicked. This idiot is clearly misnamed - Bitter Behar would be a better name. Shut your stinking pie hole, bitch.
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